This is a super cute photo I took of John and Ruth looking like twins! Without planning it they had worn matching clothes, and sat in the exact same way watching TV - so glad I caught this.
Ruth was 9 on Valentine's Day - can't believe I'm the mother of a 9 year old - how did that happen?! She had a great day. Loved her presents especially all her Hannah Montana things and her New Look t-shirt. She was so excited about getting to 9 and being able to buy proper New Look teenage clothes, even though she's only just going up to age 8 bottoms, she can get away with age 9 tops.
This is Ruth reading the dedications in her new HM CD and getting upset that Miley Cyrus' Dad died a few years back. She's such a sensitive soul.
We have to buy each of them a present when its the other one's birthday, and this year Alex got a Power Ranger outfit. Love the depth of field in this photo with the gun in focus and his face slightly blurred. Speaking of Alex, he's been very poorly - had 2 weeks of very high temp, and lost loads of weight cos no appetite. GP said it was a 'non-specific virus' but it progressed to an ear infection so its been a tough few weeks for all of us. The anti-biotics are working now, and he's a lot better, but has been doing 1/2 days at school the 2nd half of this week as not up to full days.
College has been going well. Enjoying the new topics - even Land Law! Only thing I struggle with now is Tort Law. Just can't get into it. But I got my 1st Tort assignment back yesterday, and had my 2nd highest mark for it - 76% so I guess its all relative. My average is now 71%. Just waiting for my Constitutional Law assignment back, but hopefully that won't bring me below an overall Distinction. I harbor a slightly unrealistic dream of getting into Cambridge, so really want to do as well as I can. My aim is to get 80% in an assignment - not sure if that will ever happen though.
And finally, a photo of my new shoes. I cannot tell you how much I love them. I have wanted some similar ones I saw for about 8 months, but they were no longer available when I went back to buy them. But then I spotted these on the website - same make, almost identical but with a higher heel - even better! I want to wear them all the time, but they're too special, so keeping them for a special occasion - maybe my honeymoon.