Sunday, 21 September 2008

Busy busy busy (again)

Had a bit of a revelation today - sometimes I'm so busy looking for photo opportunities when we're out that I forget to actually look at what's around me, and appreciate the time with my family. So today I deliberately left my camera at home when we went for a walk and to re-visit a geocache to drop off a travelbug. And it was great. Well, Ruth did her usual moaning, but other than that, it was a great time in lovely weather (whats with that?!).

Yesterday we went to the open day at a local archaeological dig, which was quite interesting (and messy). Got a speck of dirt on my lens, which I didn't realise til I uploaded the photos :(

I am quite pleased with myself - managed 3 LOs in 2 days! That's rather good for me. They're done using the Principles from Kirsty's course that I'm doing. Haven't had time to photograph them yet, but here's a few photos that use the principles:

Rule of Thirds:



  1. JO! You have so totally got the principles down to a key.
    So proud of you xx

  2. i mean - down to an art... duh, what am i like?
