Tuesday, 14 August 2007

1st post....

.... of my new blog!

These next few months will be such a dramatic change for all of us. Starting college full time (I'm doing a Law HND - scary!), Ruth and Alex going to Breakfast and After School lub, planning our wedding - I can see that in the future I'll want to look back and see exactly what happened in the mad rush that was the 07/08 school year.

This was one of the 3 (yes 3!) LOs I did at the crop on Saturday. Baring in mind that I've never even managed to do a complete LO at a crop before, this was quite a feat. I'm loving scrapping so much at the moment. Can't wait til September when I have more money to buy all the stash I'm lusting after!

Oh and I think I may have found 'the' dress. Can't stop thinking about it! But can't post a picture, just incase 'someone' sees it.

I'm going to try and be very good, and blog regularly. Having a laptop for college will hopefully make that easier.

Its my little sisters birthday today - she says 22 sounds so old. Just wait til you're nearly 27!


  1. Hello Jo,
    Ooohhh can add another bloggie to my list of regular haunts.

    The dress is lush BTW.

    Katy xxx

  2. Hi Jo :) (X - uks teamie)

    I just stumbled across your blog - congratulations!.... on being a blogger and all your other exciting news too.

    Good luck for your uni course and I hope the wedding plans are going well too! How's John getting on now? Is he fully recovered?

    Drop by the thread sometime and say 'hi'

    Take care xx

  3. You have been tagged by me! Visit my blog to claim your award :)
