Feeling a bit rubbish today. So tired, and its hot and that the of the month, so feeling tetchy as well. Going to try and do some creating today - that should cheer me up.
Although I slept through last night, had horrible dreams, and feel more tired than when I went to bed.
Its been a bit of a busy week - Alex's birthday, and on Wednesday we went to Merry Hill shopping, and to see Transformers. John started at 7am again yesterday which is always a struggle.
At least the sun is shining - if it was miserable I'd be straight back to bed (not that that's possible with the kids at home!).
Hoping to get my student finance letter today, and still waiting for the solicitor to send John's cheque. Might have to phone them and hurry them up.....
Aw sorry you feel poo hunny, tomorrow will be better :)